Samstag, 16. November 2013

A summary of April till June

All our conventions in germany start every year with the bookfair in Leipzig (march).
From that moment the big marathon of makeing new costumes 
and conventions will don't stop till wintertime.

So I made two new costumes (again).

Ame-Warashi from XXXHolic & Mother of Moth (own design)


Ame-Warashi was needed only in August and the moth had no fixed date. 
 So I took the time to find all the fabrics and sewing all the details calmly.
In this quarterly period I visited three conventions, two other events and a TV show.

That was propably one of my most stressful and powerful time that I ever had.

It was a good choice not to rush with the costumes and made only two of them.

made of different sort of cotton and chiffon

I had many troubles to find a good light blue wig which doesn't was expensive.

Mother of Moth
made of cotton, lace, woods, snailshells, moss, plastic butterflies, gemstones and flowers

This was just a experiment and it worked well. 
Everything is a real natural material exept the butterflies, stones and flowers.

Since this last costume I have so many ideas for new fairy costumes, but not the time for make them real.

Montag, 11. November 2013

A new magical year


A summary of January till March

Last year I started with my first real comic costumes and few fairies. 
Robin (Batman) was started in winter 2011 but was done first 2012 like Poison Ivy and little Cory,
my new fairie ❤ 

So here some progress pictures of these three costumes:


Robin (Batman)
made with pleather, cotton, polyster and jersey

Poison Ivy (Batman)
made with cotton, corset bones and too much leafs haha

little Cory (hazlenut fairy)
made with chiffon, silk, pearls, lace, flowers and woods

All costumes wasn't that expensive. All materials cost between 20 and 60 euros.
So you can see, you don't need much money to creat a great costume. 
In the end I'm in love with all of these three, especially Poison Ivy ^.~

Sonntag, 10. November 2013

A cup black tea and tasty chocolate cake

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

This is my new blog about costumes and make up.
I want to use this site more for make up stuff as for costumes, so hopely everything will work well.
Including don't to forget to upload pictures ^.~

As a little overview hier the most costumes I made from 2001 till end of 2012.
Next month you can see all costumes I made this year.

 In the next coming days you can see costume and make up pictures
from my last 2 years (2012 & 2013)
So welcome to my blog